It always amazes us when we walk into a store, go straight the holiday decorations, fill up the cart, and then get the total at the register. We're only going in for a few things, and when we come out, it ends up being $200. Well, we're not letting that happen again this year. We've spotted what we want, but we're am patiently waiting until after Christmas. Why? Because it's the same decorations and things, but a lot cheaper! Here's a list of the best things to buy after the holidays! 

Holiday Decor

Okay, this one's obvious, but stick with us. You'll have to get to the stores early for these items. Garland, trees, ribbon, ornaments, candles, fake snow, and any other decoration you've been eyeing will most likely be on sale right after Christmas. Buy it up now, and then save it for next year! You'll save an incredible amount of money. 

Paper Goods and Plasticware

Do you always have a huge family meal at your house? Why would you pay full price next year when you could stock up now and not have to run to the store at the last minute because you forgot forks? Look carefully in the sale and clearance areas because you may be able to find items that are supposed to be holiday-themed but only has solid colors. This is like hitting the jackpot! Anything with holiday packaging will be included in the sale most of the time, so check to see if those green or red plates are marked down.

Workout Gear and Equipment

Companies are banking on you feeling like you overate over the holidays. They mark down these items right in time for New Year's Resolutions to begin. Smart people. Take advantage of the savings. 

Boxed Gift Sets

From shampoo and conditioner to makeup, stock up! Most of the time, these box sets are already great deals, and now they will be even cheaper! It's the same products you would buy off the shelf, so why not save as much as you can? We always buy two or three of the shampoo and conditioner sets when they are marked down.

Kitchen Items

Ever notice all the red and green spatulas and cookie sheets? Yeah, those are going to be on sale. If you don't care what color these items are, this is the perfect time to freshen up your kitchen tools! 

Anything and Everything

Pay attention to the items with holiday wrappings and containers. More than likely, these will all be on sale. Cleaning supplies, candy, snacks, blankets, and anything else you can think of. Stores don't want to keep items with holiday packaging after the holidays. They want it gone. Help them out, and take it all. You'll score some major savings on things you would buy even if they were regular price.

Even though you will find tons of great deals after the holidays, make sure you don't buy things you don't need! Only buy items that you will for sure use, now or in the future!